Break the System, Get Hired!

Constantly applying for jobs but getting rejected?
Constantly rewriting your CV for every job application?
Already written dozens of cover letters?
We want to automate this process so you can save time while robots search and apply for jobs for you!

600+ Chats Open in ChatGPT Strore

AI for People, not corporations

Corporations have long used AI to automatically screen candidates without even looking at their CVs. Now it's time for them to get a taste of their own medicine

Auto-search and auto-responses to positions

We will automate finding the right jobs for you and responding to them based on your CV

Automatic CV rewriting for each position

For each job opening, the AI will modify the CV to pass the corporation's AI filters

Automated cover letters

Don't waste your time drafting a cover letter. We'll do it for you

Our goal is to Make Your Skills Visible, NOT turn You into Spam

Validate our idea

We've made ChatGPT, which you can now try for free to test the AI's performance (with a ChatGPT Plus)Or you can purchase the product before release so we can afford servers and development
(No subscriptions! Just a one-time payment)

Waiting List – Free

Leave us your email, in return we'll send you a link to ChatGPT so you can use it right away. We update it periodically. It's free and safe

Get an improved GPT model

If you like the idea, vote for it with your money. You will get a better GPT model (model updates every day), other nice things, but most importantly you will make this project possible for us


A lot of things are in development right now.
We need to see if the game is worth the candle.
By pre-ordering you can show us your interest and get hired!
No subscription - One-time payment

Waiting List


  • Access to Rewrite Resume V1 (we update jobs lists, resumes and improve promt once a month – Need ChatGPT Plus subscription)

  • Access to the closed Beta test of the product (When we start the closed beta test)



  • Access to Rewrite Resume V2 (we update jobs lists, resumes and improve promt every day – Need ChatGPT Plus subscription)

  • Access to the closed Beta test of the product (When we start the closed beta test)

  • Endless free CV rewriting with AI

  • Endless automated responses to job applications

  • Endless automated personalised cover letters for job applications



  • Access to Rewrite Resume V2 (we update jobs lists, resumes and improve promt every day – Need ChatGPT Plus subscription)

  • Access to the closed Beta test of the product (When we start the closed beta test)

  • private group where you can communicate with the creator of the app and participate in the development process.

  • Development of 5 features at your request

  • A separate chat room (round table) for a maximum of 11 people, where we will make important decisions together

  • Every functionality that will be on release or in the future will be free forever. No more purchases, Ever

  • And much more

© Resume Rewriter AI. All rights reserved.